Sunday, October 5, 2014

First outing to Grand Tetons

The fun begins in Rexburg! I like this little town. The weather is extreme. We go from calm in the morning, wind in the afternoon and thunderstorms by late afternoon. Sometimes it will reverse order but there is always something changing in the atmosphere. Sophie and Toni came home the next day. She is keeping all of us very busy. Toni was able to take a week off from school which was wonderful for her to get use to her role as mom. Trevor just adores his daughter and learned baby talk quite quickly. If one is not holding her the other is. And they have already discovered that baby is a bed hog. I am so glad they are keeping her close. When Sophie was 3 weeks old we took a little trip ti the Grand Tetons. It was her first adventure. We hiked along the river for about a mile and then back. We had sun and light rain. It was a very relaxing trip. We went thru Jackson Hole, very yuppie, and ate dinner in Briggs at a nice little pizza restaurant. I have my own room and spend lots of time doing family history research, cooking and cleaning and going to the temple. I could get use to this but I have a mission waiting for me.

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