Sunday, October 26, 2014

Friends, family and more.

Most of my trip back home was to say good bye to many of my wonderful friends. At church I hugged and talked and enjoyed my ward family for a couple more Sundays. But I had some special friends I wanted to see in person to say goodbye. So off to lunch with many of them. Some was dinner and a wonderful visit. A few I was only able to have a short visit. But all in all I saw most everyone I wanted to. I really wanted to see Judy Shill, a lifelong friend, in West Sacramento. But Judy and her husband, Ken, were off on vacation in Alaska. Good for them. Bummer for me. So here are my friends that I love and will miss on my mission.

Dinner with Dale, Amber, Brooke and Al was always enjoyable. They are a great family and have stuck together thru thick and thin. Good things will come their way. Love them so much!

Mandy Durnall, the best friend anyone would ever want. I already miss her so much. We had such a wonderful time getting to know each other and work together at the temple.  We are kindred spirits. So much fun together, it's so hard to explain how much Mandy means to me. We will always be sisters at heart. If I could have Mandy for my mission comp it would be amazing but alas, her husband has first dibs. Maybe we can serve together in the same place someday.

Cynthia Weaver, a total inspiration! I love Cynthia and all she has triumphed over. She is an amazing miracle in my life. I love how she enjoys life and loves to serve everyone. We had so much fun together and I miss her more and more everyday especially on Sunday. I am so grateful the Lord but Cynthia in my life and for all the wonderful times we had together at church and the barn.

Allison Cox loves life! It hasn't been easy for her but she just keeps going and bringing so much happiness and love to everyone around her. Friends for life and more. I could always count on her for a hug and words of encouragement. Love her bunches!

Beth Bone is a courageous sister who battled back against the powers of evil in her life. She is one determined cookie and I am grateful she shared her life with me. One of the highlights of this last year was being her friend and helping her get ready for the temple and being her escort.  We had a wild ride together and I do mean that literally.!

Elaine Stall has been my partner in crime, FFA, 4-H, Football and so many other community activities. We worked so well together and accomplished great things. She is amazing and she will always hold a special place in my heart. Partners in crime, that's us!

Kelly Heffington loves life, people, her family and her friends. There is nothing she wouldn't do for someone. I cherished our time together in FFA, 4-H ad Football. She spent many hours at our barn just lovin on the animals. She is so compassionate and a great example to me.

Megan Elhert is a fresh and new surprise in my life. I only knew her for about a year but she is quite the doll. Megan opened her own bakery and made so many wonderful deserts for my family. She became one of my special friends. Happy, perky, sweet and amazingly successful!

Sister Mary Baggs is one of those special women that comes into your life to give you direction and help you so you don't make a fool out of yourself. Sister Baggs served in 2 temple assistant matron positions when I worked in the temple laundry. She always made it a point to come and visit with me when we both were working. I love and admire her and I am so grateful for her guidance. I only flubbed up occasionally under her tutelage.

Suzie Wilde is the daring woman that agreed to take my place as the Laundry Boss in the temple. I grew to love and appreciate her so much. She is fun, loving, and full of energy. I wish I could have spent more time getting to know her but we can make up for that when I get back. Love and am so grateful for her.

My sister-in-law Teri Davis is a wonderful person. She is a wonderful mother, sister, wife and all around loving and gentle lady. I am always comfortable in her presence because she has that way of putting people at ease and making them feel accepted. And what is most remarkable is that she is real and we all know it. We can always depend on Teri to love us genuinely.

Wendy Slagle and I have been friends for over 20 years. She served with me in our Primary Presidency and we became the best of friends. Times came and went and we didn't get to see as much of each other as I would have liked but in the end we were still there just same old good friends. I want her to have the best in life because she deserves it!

My cuz, Pinky Dahn, is a character and a half. There is never a dull moment around Pinky and I love to hear her laugh which she does most of the time. I can never thank her enough for coming into my life and helping me get to know our Nichelini heritage and family. She's a keeper!

My cousin, Beverly Loney, is also a very special lady. This is a women of unbound patience! She cares for her husband, children, grandchildren, sister, etc, etc. etc.. My Dad and I loved to visit her and her husband, Tom. She is a wonderful, loving and dedicated person. I am grateful for the love she has shown me even when I was a little girl and she crushed an aspirin in a spoon so I could take it even though her kids were brave and could swallow it whole.I will always remember her compassion.

One of my dear friends for many years is Jane Teeter. I asked for a picture of her but don't know if I'll get one before my mission is over so I may have to add it later. Jane and I were health nuts together. We had many great adventures and she will always hold a very special place in my heart.

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