Friday, October 10, 2014

Flash Flood of 2014 in Rexburg and a few other things!

Back home in ol'Rexburg. We have a few weeks before we need to move after Toni's graduation. Life is easy. Life is good. We went to the street fair a couple of times that is held on Thursday evenings. We made dinner for PR (David Nicholson) and his honey, Kayla one evening and had a great time visiting with them.
One time it rained just before the fair, then stopped, and then started raining again when we left. Yes, summer time and rain, rain and still more rain. Most exciting was the heavy rain storm that flooded the town, especially BYUI. We watched it rain hard, then hail, then rain hard again and then hail again. It was pretty massive with thunder and lightening. It was a flash flood. But worst was what happened at the school and many of the apartments at basement level. Because the school sits on the side of a hill, all the water came churning down from the top of the hill and flooded all the lower floors of the campus buildings in it's path and apartments that were also located downhill. Graduation was less than a week away. there was mud and water everywhere. But in 2 days you could hardly tell anything had happened. Shout out to all those good people that cleaned everything up. The biggest loss was the students who lost everything in their apartments but the school helped them out with replacement things.

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