Sunday, October 5, 2014

Heeerrree'sss BABY!!!!

So the plan was to look at more homes on the 11th of June and then make a decision, sign lease agreements and then I would start to make my way to Rexburg. HaHa! Someone had other plans for me. I was awaken at 4:34AM on June 11th. It was Toni. Her water had broken and her labor pains were 5 minutes apart. Well, this was it. The baby was coming and I was 12 hours away. I was sure I wouldn't make it in time so I got in the shower, packed my things and less than an hour later I was on my way from Las Vegas to Rexburg. Where the speed limit was 70 I did 75. Where it was 80 I did 85. The slowest part of my trip was going thru SLC cause the speed limit was only 65. I was still sure I wasn't going to make it. When I reached SLC Trevor texted me to say Toni was pushing. I told him I would see them when I got there sure I was not going to make it in time. But no word came about baby's birth.??? What was going on. I told the baby not to wait for me to get there but to go ahead and be born. Texted him again. Toni was still pushing. This is taking way too long. I was almost to the Rexburg turnoff from I-15 but a truck came up alongside me and I missed the turn off. OK I'll just go down to the next off ramp and turn around. There was no turnoff after 2 miles so I just turned around in the median, the one the Highway Patrol uses, and headed back. I parked in the hospital parking lot and ran into the labor/delivery section up the elevator and wait by the door for them to admit me. I raced in and the baby's head had just crowned. I made it!!!! Toni had pushed for 3 hours. I assisted Toni the best I knew how and within 10 minutes Sophie Elaine Mangelson was born. She was small and skinny and a few weeks early. As her head was born I looked into her face and told Toni, "She looks just like Trevor." But then I thought, why am I seeing her face. She should be facing down. Sophie was sunny side up! That's what took so long. What a blessing Toni was able to birth her with no drugs or pain meds. She was strong and brave and now the mother of a beautiful baby!! And I made it in 10 hours.

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