Sunday, October 12, 2014

Moving Day West Sac to Las Vegas

Moving day was an adventure in and of itself. The plan was for me to load my car once again with boxes and such from Toni and Trevor's apartment. Then I drove down to Las Vegas and unloaded my car and left it there for Dale and I to use when we got into town. I had a ticket to fly home but no way to get to the airport. I could have asked Shawn, Trevor's brother, but his wife was due to have a baby any day. So I went on line to find a way to the airport. First I tried a shuttle service. It was almost $100 to pick me up and drive 20 minutes to the airport. Forget that! I looked up other shuttle companies but they were all the same. Forget a taxi too because they are just as expensive. As I trolled around the airport site I found bus service. I thought, if I could just get a bus from out where we lived and maybe transfer somewhere else I could get to the airport. Much to my surprise and delight they had a bus that went direct from Centennial Parkway, maybe 1/2 to 2/3 miles from our house direct to the airport! It was an express bus so I could ride it all the way there! And it only cost $2.00. What a miracle!!! All I had to do was get to the bus stop. This was easier said then done since it was over 100 degrees with no shade. I was beet red and burning up when I reached the bus station, 1/2 hour early so I would be sure not to miss the bus. The walk wasn't bad, it was the heat! Fortunately the bus stop had an air conditioned building where people could wait. It took the whole 1/2 for me to cool down.  The bus ride was nice and cool and dropped me right at the terminal. On the plane and away I went! I arrived in Sacramento about 10:00pm. Dale picked me up and dropped me at Kevin's house to sleep. While I was traveling to Sac Dale and Kevin and many of my wonderful ward family packed the Penske 26ft truck I rented to move mine and Toni's things to Las Vegas. So it was ready to go at 6:00am on Friday morning for our trip down to Las Vegas. Dale picked me up bright and early and off we went. To say it was along trip was an understatement. We had to stop for fuel and the truck was soooooo slow going up the mountains and hills. And it was hot. It took us 12 hours!!! In a car it is only 9 so it really did take a long time. I had called the Bishop of Meadows 10th ward before I left Rexburg to see about getting help unloading. He didn't call me back until moving day. He had been out of town which is what I figured. He said he would call their HP Group leader. Ken called me back shortly and said to give him a call when we were almost to Las Vegas. I did and he said he would meet us at 5:30 at the house. We arrived at the house at 5:25 and there was an older man waiting for us. I thought "Oh great, this is going to kill him". It was well over 100 degrees probably about 110. But within 5 minutes 10 other brothers were there and they had the truck completely unloaded in 45 minutes! They were amazing!!!! Everything put in the house where we wanted it! Good thing I had water for them. We really appreciated them. So again many tender mercies from the Lord made all this happen so smoothly. We were so blessed!!!!
Thank you Dale for taking the time off work to do this and Kevin for helping load and getting the truck for me and my grandkids and friends for their help loading it.

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