Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dale and I in Las Vegas part 2

There was lots to unpack in the house. The kitchen stuff was massive and I knew I would need to sort thru it all and some would need to go into the garage. Good thing we saved all the shelves from the house. They came in so handy. There was a cut out in the living room for the TV but Dale thought it would be awkward to watch TV the way it was situated. I had my Dad's trunk put in the spot for the TV to sit on but Dale had a better idea. He and I took all the trunks except the wardrobe trunk I refinished and stacked them one on top of the other. It looked fabulous!!!! He is so creative! The TV would sit across from the couches for better viewing and all would be rite with the world. He is so amazing!
Before and after. What a conversation piece!


Our decorating talents in the living room. It all fit including the dining room table and hutch in the kitchen.

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