Sunday, November 2, 2014

Good times and training

I really enjoyed my time at the MTC. I met some really great people. The Johnston's from eastern Oregon, Adrian, were farmers so we spent many good times talking about that. They gave me an Idaho Spud candy bar to remind me of them. They had already served a couple of missions and were on their 3rd. I meat 2 sisters from Puerto Rico so I told them all about Amber and showed them her picture. they both agreed very emphatically that she was PR. There were 3 other sets of sister missionaries who would be companions in the mission field. I didn't have a companion per say but I did have a sister that was in my class. Sister Misner was being sent to Sacramento of all places to serve in the employment office there. She had served a mission when she was young to Italy and was now serving again after the death of her husband. She was a very interesting sister and I learned lots from her.
The best part was the members of my district. There was the Strattons who were from California and heading to Romania as member leadership support. There was the Slades who were from Utah and heading to Japan also as MLS. The Harpers were going to Samoa to help the leaders learn how to use the church computer programs or something like that. The Harpers were friends with Edler Ohsiek's family in Boise, Idaho. Small world. Sister Harper took a picture of us and sent it to the Ohieks. It is a new calling. We had 2 great teachers, Brother Lee and Brother Smith both RMs and married and attending BYU. All our classes were great! We did role playing teaching lessons to each other and to volunteers who pretended to be investigating the church. Here is a picture of all us and a lesson plan we came up with.
From Brother and Sister Johnston, Adrian, Oregon
 Back row is the Harpers Brother Smith Brother Stratton and the Slades.
Sitting is me, Sister Stratton and Sister Misner.

This is Brother Lee. We were his last class because he got a job as a piano accompanist.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Tim Harper <> wrote:
We are children of a loving Heavenly Father who loves us so much that He sent his son to die for us, and created a way through Christ’s atonement we can return to Him.
The Gospel blesses families by teaching us how to be happy here and how to be together forever.
Because Heavenly Father loves us so much, he has given us prophets that guide us from the beginning of time and even today.
God sent his only begotten Son to save us from the sins of the world.
The death of Christ and his apostles meant there was no one with priesthood authority to maintain pure and correct doctrine; therefore well-meaning people began to teach principles based on their reasoning rather than revelation.
Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ was lost to the world a restoration of that Gospel had to be and was restored by a modern prophet, Joseph Smith.
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ that goes hand in hand with the Old Testament and the New Testament to teach us that Jesus Christ is our Savior.
If you want to know whether this is true, you can pray, ask our Heavenly Father, and He will tell you the answer through the Holy Ghost.


Tim Harper
Harper Consulting LLC

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