Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Road trip to Houston part 3!

This was going to be the best part of my trip. My plan was to drive from Salina to Norman, Oklahoma which was only about 4 hours away. I wanted to spend some time site seeing in Norman and visit OU of course. Again more oil wells and rolling hills and fields but more trees. Wichita had massive amounts of grain silos everywhere. They made the port in West Sac with its rice silos look punny. The silos are along the Arkansas river. The town looks like what you would expect for a midwest town. I continued down the highway making good time until I got to Edmonds above Oklahoma City. The traffic there was soooo bad. Finally made it to Norman. I drove over to OU and wow is it a big university. Lots of beautiful old brick buildings. But the school is so landlocked! The road around the university is mostly 2-3 lanes wide. I can't imagine what it looks like on game day with all the traffic. The stadium was the best! I also went to the book store and spent lots of money on things for my kids and me. There was so much to see, tree lined streets, old homes, and all the roads were concrete or all brick! Another typical midwest town but they did have a Panera so that was a little like home. I would have liked to explore more of the towns I went thru but not knowing them I didn't want to get lost or behind in my trip. The one stop I wished I had made was at the Oklahoma History Museum. Maybe next time and I hope there will be a next time.

Gas in Salina. This was amazing considering gas in West Sac was $3.99. As it turned out all the gas prices dropped over the next couple of months to the lowest in Houston being $2.65. But at the time this was unheard of.

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