Sunday, November 23, 2014

Time to go to work...

Our office is next door to the mission office. We also have Family Services, the Bishop's Storehouse and Home Storage as well as the Peanut Butter Factory for the entire church in our building. Our church building is next door to us on the other side. We work from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday. We also work one evening a month training new Ward Employment Specialist. In our office are Elder Mathews who lives locally and handles the Klein Stake and reviews all resumes. His office is in the back part of our larger office. Then there is me and Sister Bray in the front part of the office. Our boss is Steve Stotts who is a native Texan and is an employee of the church. He is in our office half the time. The rest of the time he travels to "the Valley" which is the Rio Grande Valley, Austin and other places the church needs him to go to keep up the employment effort. Our manager is Alex Lamar. He is from Boliva and is also an employee. He has lived in Texas a long time. He handles much of our Spanish speaking clients. I have learned lots from Alex. So this is where I spend most of my time but I can slip out for necessary errands during the day so it's pretty nice. We have 6 computer stations for candidates to use for looking for work. Sometimes is can get pretty slow because there is many, many jobs in Houston so if people really want to get a job they can. I cover the Spring, Summerwood, the Woodlands and Houston West Stakes. Sister Bray covers 3 stakes and Elder and Sister Gaughan cover all the south Houston Stakes. More on them later.
Our front door                                                               
 Looking to the east is Family Services
 Bishop's Storehouse
 Looking down towards the Peanut Butter Factory - more of that to come
 Parking lot looking out our door
More of the parking lot looking west 
 My car - looking towards the church
 My desk area - really small
 Candidate computers in our office and looking at Alex's office
 More of the candidates computers and looking at the closed door of Steve's office which means he is out of town
My background picture on my computer - love this picture of Sophie
 My own little spot and bit of heaven from my family and special notes from Lena Rose

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