Thursday, February 11, 2016

Clayton Library

I took last Friday off work to take a trip downtown to the Clayton Library. It is the 2nd largest genealogical library in the country. I heard it has lots of records for the southern states so I went in search of some of my Miller and Gann families. It is very large and there are many books. I was starting on the Miller side trying to maybe find out where in Kentucky they came from but that was just too much. Said a quick prayer and felt I should try the Gann side since I knew more about them. Looked thru records for Hamilton, Jefferson and Washington counties where most of the Ganns settled. I only found my 4th great grandfather once in the tax records for Hamilton county in 1836 but that was pretty much it until I found him in 1850 in Chattanooga but I already had that. Spent the whole day there and learned about lots of Ganns. Now if I could make connects to all of them it would be great!

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