Thursday, January 15, 2015

Christmas Day

On Christmas Eve Toni Skyped me from Kevin's house so I could watch her, Trevor and Sophie along with Kevin and his kids open their Christmas presents. That was very cool. So glad for Skype. They had a great party with Raquel and her children, Jamie and Dave and their boys, Dale and his family and Santa. They had a wonderful time! I watched football . We only had to work half a day so the afternoon and evening were pretty nice.
On Christmas Day I took the day and drove by myself to Galveston. I love to drive and it was a clear day and NO traffic. I left at 9:00am and drove to the ocean front. I saw lots of tank farms and shopping centers and lots of flat land on the way there. There is a bridge from the mainland to the island of Galveston. I parked in different places and walked along the beach and took pictures. For lunch I stopped at a Dennys. I sat at the counter because it was just me. This very nice man sat down next to me and we started talking. His name was Daniel and he was from Toledo. He was now living in Houston for the last year and working as a physical therapist and loving his work. The crazy thing was that he was in the Marines and when he left he moved to Sacramento to go to school at Sac City college. He worked himself thru school at the Somerset Nursing home in West Sac. Sooooo crazy. We talked about all the things we remembered and then we talked about his sister who he wants to have move down to Houston. I gave him the Gaughans business card for the Employment Center near where he lives so his sister could contact them. It was a very nice lunch and the company was superb. and I bought his lunch. I was very appreciative to have such a pleasant dining partner. I got home later that afternoon and watched more football. 
I received some great gifts from my family and friends. Amber and Dale sent me a jar with some silly things in it except for a really pretty blue star. Toni sent me a picture she made with Sophie's hands and feet. Cynthia sent me a tray, a small stocking, a pen and a barn star. Mandy sent me some music and a book. Lena sent me pictures. I was just right.

 These houses are up on stilts due to storms, about 25 feet high I think.
 These are interlocking massive concrete blocks to reinforce the sea walls

 The water is not blue, more muddy than anything

 Concrete sea wall with the pavers below to reinforce.

 This plaque is to commemorate the lives lost in 1900 when a hurricane just about wiped Galveston off the map.
 This statue was created to also memorialize those that lost their lives in 1900
 They are hard to see but there are oil tanks just off shore

 This amusement park is like the one in Santa Monica that is built on a pier over the ocean

 From Mandy
 From sister Bray - she wrote this book with her daughter
 Make your own pesto in a jar from Sister Gaughan
 From Lean Rose
Toni made this with Sophie. It says love but I didn't know that till Toni told me.
 From Cynthia
From Dale and Amber
My FAVORITE, Pasta Bowl!


  1. Christmas was not the same without mommy!

  2. And who bought you that amazing pasta bowl :) Love you!
