Thursday, January 14, 2016

Shop Party!!!

I was beginning to think we would run out of time and not have our party this year. The Sulins organized it last year and I think we had it earlier. Chris (Asst. Boss) was in charge and like most men waited till real late to get it all planned. He did a great job and there was a ton of food. Sister Diamond cooked all the beef. Not being a beef fan any longer I passed on it. Steve deep fried a turkey and I had a small piece of that when he was carving it. Stacey sang for us all. She has an amazing voice. It was a good feed with good people. I will miss them all when I go home. HOME! It's getting closer!

 More Food!!!
 Sister Diamond in the red and some old and new friends.
 More friends!
 See! I said there was lots of food!!!
 Two of my favorite people, Brady and Christen Christensen!
 Elder and Sister Anderson
 My boss Steve standing  and Chris and his wife sitting with their daughter
 Scott and Peter - from the Peanut Butter Cannery
 It just never ends!!
And my contribution, Funeral Potatoes!!! Perfect!!!

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