Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ponderosa Ward Christmas Party

December 4th, 2015 was our ward Christmas party! I was very well done with real, not kidding, real Mexican food. It was sooooo good to have the real thing. We had refried beans, tamales, rice and other salads and stuff. All home made of course. I spent the eating time with Sheila and some other friends from the ward. After there was real good home made treats and then a very rancorous  crowd sang songs and Bishop Ross talked about Christmas. It was the usual kids run wild ward gathering but everyone had a good time!!!!! And I ate tooooo much!

 Three different tables set up with the same food so we all could eat faster. Good idea!! Thank you Gilly Gifford!

 This is a home made  Christmas tree brownie. Yum!!  And our wonderful food!
 I didn't sit with my missionary friends cause they were expecting an investigator
 This is a giving tree with gifts that members int he ward need.
 Lots of people. It's a BIG ward even after the split!
And the Primary sang us a couple of Christmas songs. 

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