Friday, January 22, 2016

A Nite With Rabbi David Nesenoff

Marilyn invited me to go with her to hear Rabbi Davis Nesenoff. He was amazing and so funny. He told us some great truths: Be who you are! Don't apologize! I learned so much. It was a small gropu, maybe 40-50 people. I was the only non-Jew. I made the mistake of offering my hand to thank him for his talk. BIG MISTAKE! He looked at me like I was a leper or something, green hair, scum of the earth. You name it  I went home to try and figure out how I offended him. It seems Jewish men do not shake hands with women who are not their wife or family members. It is considered and insult to the wife. Maybe he thought I was trying to set him up and shame him. Oh well, like I said I learned something. It was still a wonderful talk.

Veteran spiritual guide, acclaimed comedian, revered inspirational speaker, awarded filmmaker, talented musician, and renowned scholar, Rabbi David Nesenoff has been described as a 21st-century Jewish renaissance man.
The globetrotting rabbi—who has appeared on Fox News and CNN's Reliable Sources—will be speaking at The Woodlands for his first time on January 13.
Nesnenoff’s talk, which is expected to blend comedy and inspiration, is billed “A Funny Thing Happened to Me at the White House.” The rabbi will tell of his now infamous interview with the late dean of the Washington Press Corps, Helen Thomas, during which she told him that the Jews should “get the hell out Palestine…and go home…to Poland and Germany!” After he posted the video, a media firestorm erupted, Thomas was forced to resign and Nesenoff received an estimated 25,000 pieces of hate mail, including several death threats.
In addition to vivid behind-the-scenes details of the White House episode, he will share about his relationship with the Divine, his front row seat in the world media, Israel, anti-Semitism, and his personal journey. It is a story of cyber-hatred, life-threatening danger, and oddly enough incredible humor.
The talk, which is sponsored by Chabad of The Woodlands, will take place on January 13 at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center,

 Marilyn and the Rabbi
 Small lecture room at the Marriott
Me and Marilyn - She wanted to take a picture of the 2 of us.

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