January 18th we were closed a the center so I took a road trip up to College Station to visit the George H. W. Bush Library. I wanted to see Magnolia so I drove the long way. It is a small town but civilization is moving in. The library is located on the Texas A & M campus. It has so much to see, read and enjoy. George W. Bush was an amazing and well rounded man, perfect to be president. He was a WWII vet who was shot down over the Pacific after he made his bombing run. Fortunately he was picked up by our forces. Then he graduated from Yale after the war. He started work in the oil fields and then started his own business. He served in the Texas legislature, congress, UN Ambassador, CIA director and Vice President before being elected as President. He should have won a second term but a lier and cheat was elected by the media. He left an outstanding legacy. My visit was a great opportunity to learn about a great man, his family and his achievements.
Plaza outside the library.
George and Barbara Bush portraits.
Family photo with his siblings and parents
Medals for his bravery when his plane was hit & the submarine that picked him up after his plane went into the sea and he was drifting in a life boat.
A refurbished plane like his on display overhead in the library
The car he and his wife drove to Texas from the East Coast after his graduation
With his son, GW Bush
His favorite sport was baseball which he played at Yale
Fist home in Texas and his family
His oil company
The black is oil reserves in the Permian basin
More family pictures with all their children except their daughter that died at 3This is an actual dome inside
Bronze of President Bush you can have your picture taken with
He visited China and other parts of the Far East as a representative
And he received many gifts from various cultures and countires. This wood bowl is from Samoa.
His inauguration walk
Picture from CIA headquarters
Summit meeting with Russian President
Replica of his office at Kittybunkport, his favorite vacation spot
This is an actual piece of the Berlin Wall front and back. The back side is plain. The front is the free side
Film pictures from the tearing down of the Berlin Wall
Replica of the Oval Office with most of the original pieces.
Presidential memorabilia
Presidential campaign memorabilia
Original Remington
Replica of the outside of the white house with pictures and artifacts
Swearing in ceremony
Desert Storm info
Door to Kuwait
What the Iraq soldiers did as they retreated - set all the oil wells on fire and puncture tanks full of oil. Made a big mess.Inside library with many recognitions and accomplishments on this wall
Stuffed Longhorn for Sophie - couldn't resist.
There was also a large group of Corvete appreciators at the library