Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New sister Missionary in our office - Sister Betty Diamond

This is Sister Diamond from Payson, Utah. She is a fabulous cook and a great, kind lady. Her and her husband owned and ran a restaurant until he passed away 6 years ago. She sold the restaurant, got all her affairs in order and came on a mission to serve here in Houston. She was raised on a farm, the youngest of 10 children. Her and her husband had a ranch for their 7 children to roam on. They loved camping, fishing, hunting and  horse back riding. She has hunted for bear in Alaska and has many trophies including a bear rug from the one she bagged. She was homecoming queen for her high school, was a CNA and worked in the court system. She is very accomplished and a real sweetheart. But she loves to bake sweet things so I will probably die of SUGAR POISONING!

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