Monday, December 22, 2014

The Peanut Butter Factory

The back half of our building is the Peanut Butter factory for all the church. they make peanut butter 9 months out of the year. this year they are upgrading all the electrical before they fire up for the new year. Brother & Sister Wolfley from Oregon are the service missionaries there. Brother & Sister Hall from Boise came a couple of months ago but they are only doing a 6 month mission. There are half a dozen employees that run the cannery. Most of the peanut butter is for the church but lots of it is donated to food banks also. These are some pictures I took during the down/cleaning time.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Right down the street from where I live on the way to work is this pasture and small farm house with a field of produce and another of cattle. so odd in the middle of the city, very odd!

Eating around town

I have found a few places I like to eat and some that I will pass on. What is most interesting in this town is all the chicken fast food eateries. By far, Chick-fil-A is the most prolific, more than McDonalds. There is Zaxby, KFC, Cannes, Popey's. Chruch's, and the list is endless. My favorite Mexican is Mama Juanita's until I can find something better. My favorite Italian is Lasagna House but their sauce is a little thick. Since I don't eat much meat I don't really have a favorite in that category but I have been to JR's BBQ over by the fuel station down in the trucking district. But I am blessed to have a Steak and Shake down the road a few miles where I go to treat myself after the temple.

 Inside JR's
 Menu - the sliced beef sandwich was good but the chicken was yuk!
 Steak and Shake - need I say more

 Mama Juanita's

Friday, December 12, 2014

Halloween and the ward

This was the ward's first ever Halloween party or Harvest something... We had like a taco salad and cookies. I helped by serving the cookies and deserts so they wouldn't all disappear at once. Games and truck or treat after the food. I cleaned up and had a good time getting to meet more people.
Most of these pictures were taken before I got real busy. The church was packed!
 Sister Long our Gospel Essential teacher is in the middle

 This is Sister ?? and her husband as Lady Shadow and Shoulder Angle from Studio C. She really is pregnant.

Local sporting goods store

I thought I would include this great store just up the road from me. They have a 3 story shooting range on the property and a store full of all kinds of sporting, camping, guns and such equipment. It's like a Cabellas or Sportsmen s Warehouse.

This is the shooting range

Getting around town down to Kemah

I don't go particularly very far because the traffic is murder but I have ventured out a few places. One Saturday Elder & Sister Gaughan and Sister Bray and I went to visit the town of Kemah, pronounced Keema, down at the far end of Houston on the gulf. It's like a small boardwalk with restaurants, shops and amusement rides. there is also a short boat cruise we took that goes just a short distance out into the gulf and then back up the delta that feeds it.  It was a perfect day and we had a good time. We ate at a restaurant called Landry's which had real good food but not enough of it. We walked around and visited the shops also. On the way there and back we saw tank farm after tank farm and oil pipe and storage sites. There were so many of them. And there was a giant mountain of slage. All the oil facilities went as far as the eye can see. It was a nice get away.

 The Gaughans

 Pictures of the boardwalk from the boat cruise

 Some of the fancy homes on the waterway. Huge!!!

Pictures of our trip to and from of all the oil facilities and some of the many office buildings