Monday, September 29, 2014

In my spare time.... not but did it anyway

I even found time to make Toni a quilt out of left over curtain material and the fabric from her brides maid dresses before I moved. Priorities! And some fancy bread.

Packing more....

Trying to pack and move around a house full of furniture wasn't easy. I had a beautiful baby grand piano I could not find a buyer for. so many people wanted it but no one had the room. So I sent it to DI where they sold it before the end of the day. I am happy someone got it that really wanted it. These are pictures of my packing and lots of stuff. Memories of good times with my kids are what I took with me from this house that really matter. I kept many things, antiques, pictures, furniture, things we could use but the rest was just stuff. My kids took many things so it was all good.

Womens Broadcast with Lena Rosa

Lena Rose and I attended the live broadcast of the Womens Conference at the Citrus Heights Stake Center along with some of my friends from the temple. There was an ice cream social. The cultural hall was decorated like a ice cream/candy store. There was a big table in the center with all kinds of jars of hard candy and we all had a paper cone to go choose what we wanted. Then they served us ice cream and we took our bowl to a topping wagon where we could add all the toppings we wanted with different flavors of sauce and whip cream. It was very spectacular! We had a great time and the broadcast was great also.

Delta FFA Booster Dinner Dance in Clarksburg

But before I get ahead of myself I want to include some last memories of life in West Sac. In March Dale and Amber, Kevin and a date, Jamie and Dave, Elizabeth Felix and I went to the annual Delta Ag Booster Dinner at the Old Sugar Beet Factory that is run by several local wineries and has a couple of social halls. They always have a dessert auction, silent auction, raffle and a live auction. I have been attending these for years to support my kids and grandkids. Just some pics of the evening.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pack um up and move em out!

My call came the beginning of April. I needed to move out of my house by June 1st. There was sooooo much to do! I needed to go thru all my belongings and decide what I wanted to keep. there was just so much stuff everywhere. I am pretty good about organizing thigs so I just started reorganizing to weed out what I didn't want. I went thru the 1000+ books in my library. That was probably the hardest and took the longest. I booked up the books I knew Toni would want then I filled 10 more boxes of my favorite books. There was a ward activity out my hose one evening so I invited everyone there to take what books they wanted. Some even came back for more. But they still hadn't made enough of a dent. So with Lena and Gabe's help I bagged up all the rest and made several trips to drop them off. I took about 2 dozen bags to the Arthur Turner Library and another 6 bags of church books to DI. Still so much more to do. There were drawers full of pictures and albums and games and.... I actually took the time to sort out all the pictures and put many of them in bins to be albumized later. I did get all the Miller, Zimmermann, Voss and Falck pictures in an album. Sort thru other things and give away, throw away and pack up what was left. Then the big garage sales. The first one didn't turn out too well cause I was new at this and didn't understand the power of advertising.  Fortunately Toni did and ran my add campaign from Rexburg, Idaho where she was attending school. the second one was much better and what was left went to DI. What a job that was!!! The things I kept went to Dale's garage for my move to Las Vegas. Another story but I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord in making miracles happen. There were no hiccups with emptying out the house.

More Welcome, Welcomes!

And here is the letter about my specific calling, Employment Specialist, helping people find jobs in the Houston area. At the time of my call there were over 11,000 job openings in the Houston area and at times there were up to 18,000. I will get into that later.

Welcome, welcome!

And here is the Welcome Letter from the Mission President but he was released in July before I got there. But it was nice to know that I was wanted :)

Mission Call

It came!!! My mission call!!! What a surprise. When I sent in my request it was for the western 11 states except California. Little did I know....      Texas is so big it's considered part of the west, middle and south of the US. This will be interesting!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

In the beginning.......

Ever since I joined the church I have wanted to serve a mission. However, I thought this dream would be out of reach for me. Now my dream has been realized. I had promised our temple matron, Sister Boehm, that I would stay running the temple laundry until her calling ended. But that didn't happen. Everything started falling into place so I knew the Lord was opening the way for me to submit my papers to enter the mission field. As soon as I did things began to happen. I needed to move out of my house by June 1st. I had to get rid of most of my things, downsize. With the help of my wonderful family members, Dale and his family, Kevin and his family, Toni and my wonderful friend, Mandy, we gotter done. Then move what was left into Dale's garage until it was time to move to Toni's new home in Las Vegas. Many more miracles and tender mercies later I was ready to report. The miracles and blessings I will include at later dates. Otherwise this first page would never end because my blessings never seem to end. Just sayin...