Thursday, November 12, 2015

Annual Fall Harvest Festival ie. Halloween Party

Once again it was the annual "Fall Harvest Festival", not. It was the annual Halloween party. All the kids dressed up and a few of us brave souls. I didn't last year but this year I decided to jump right on in. I was one of about 3-4 witches but I believe I was the best dressed. My friend, Rebecca, couldn't find her hat. I bought one at Walmart and used my own black clothing and my black raincoat turned inside out. It all worked. And yes that is my own hair except the green which was part of the hat. We had dinner of tacos and hot dogs - ran out of food. I bought cookies and cheezeit packs for the trick or treeters but I ran out... Too many kids. I had 80 of them! There were also games and lots and lots of people. It was all fun as usual when a bunch of Mormons get together.

Me - pretty good, rite!

Nice decorations - YW Presidency and other volunteers started in the morning setting up.

People and more people. Funny how many people think pajamas are costumes - low budget

                               Another little witch                                            My friend Sheila Butler and her                                                                                                               son, Niko hiding. He had a broken                                                                                                             nose

                                                        More peeps chowing down
Me and Heather looking intense - don't mess with us

 Sister Wofley and Anthony - trading numbers I assume                                                                                                                          Gilly Gifford and baby girl    

                                           Did I mention there were lots of people?

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