Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Special Mission Conference

We had special speakers at this conference. Elder and Sister Alan Packer came to Houston for a stake conference. He stayed over to do a Temple Devotional which I was able to attend on Sunday evening November 15th. It was remarkable! Then on Tuesday I was able to hear Elder and sister Packer again as they address and taught the missionaries in Houston Mission. Half of the mission came on Monday and the other half on Tuesday. Lots of teaching and lots of learning. Unfortunately we started in the spring Stake Center only to find out the water had been turned off. So half way thru the meeting in the morning we all moved to the Hafer building where I go to church at. Otherwise it was a great meeting!

Sister and Elder Packer next to Elder and Sister Chappell - our mission counselor

Elder and Sister Packer

Elder and Sister Anderson & Sister Diamond from our office

Monday conference picture

Group picture.

Same group picture.

 Me and Sister McCurdy from Conneticut

Elder and sister Heufner - their son Neil was Toni and Eric's seminary teacher

Luncheon in between 

Just something different...

This was fascinating to watch. All the traffic was stopped so these 2 trucks could maneuver their loads off the freeway and under the over pass. Police escort.  Don't ask me what they were.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Houston Ballet's Nutcracker Market

On Friday, November 13th I took half a day off from work to attend the Nutcracker Market sponsored by the Houston Ballet. I figured it would be big and it would be a craft fair of sorts and food but I wasn't expecting the magnitude of it. It was MASSIVE!!! The parking lot was full almost all the way around the exposition hall. That's a huge amount of cars. Fortunately they had shuttles that took you up to the front doors. There were all kinds of craft and gift items. But by far there were more clothes than anything, mostly womens. It took a good 4 hours to go thru the entire hall. There was music and entertainment and just so much stuff!!. I did enjoy my time and bought a new purse since mine was falling apart, some cheery jams and salsa, toffee because a member was selling it and some head bands for Toni. I really hadn't planned on spending much. I had hoped for some gifts for the kids but they didn't have much. There was one booth selling bow and arrows with soft tips that was selling like mad. The wait there to pay was 45 minutes. No thank you! There were lots of free samples of food from companies I have seen before, the dips and such. I think what surprised me the most was the clothing, trendy clothing, that outsold everything. Did I mention the tons of people mostly women of course. Sometimes it was hard to get thru the crowds but in the afternoon it slowed down. There was also companies there like Michaels or World Market that had lots of decore for sale and supplies to make your own. That took up a large area to one side. You could get lost in that stuff.
It was a good experience and I am glad I went. 

 One of the entrances to the Market - there were 3 or 4 of them
 Like I said, massive amounts of people. This was a slow spot.
 Wouldn't be Christmas without a Santa, life size to boot.
 Christmas decore and more
 Christmas decore
 Just more people and stuff
 Lots of nice quality expensive items for your home enjoyment.
 And more decore...
 This was a youth group singing in the lounge area
 Lots of Christmas decorations
 and more decorations.
 Foody booths with all kinds of soups, candies, jams, oils, vinegar, dips, pastas and sauce, etc.
 Now these were amazing handcrafted decorations for those with lots of room in their house.

 An of course our Indian on a horse where the leather products were, at least some of them.
 Boots!!! Lots of boots for sale in several places but this was the largest.
 Russian dolls for sale - can't remember what they are called
 These were the funnest of all. A thundering herd of toy horses. Rolling, riding rocking horses. 

 This little girl took one for a ride then it tipped over.                 Tee pee play houses for little girls or boys made with PVC pipe and cloth.

 Here is the ready made or build it yourself decore center. I heard one lady saying "Here is one and it's only $100." Me dieing on the floor was about how I felt about dropping $100 for a wreath.

These ladies were in a long line waiting to buy sliced caramel apples. Why would anyone buy something so sticky while shopping.  But I am sure they enjoyed it!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mission T Shirt

Yellow is not my color but it is our mission shirt so I will hold on to it.

Rent A Tire???

This store in the strip mall near our apartment has always bugged me since I came to Houston.
Who rents a tire?? Makes no sense!!!!!

Dinner at Heather's

Sheila wanted to have all us missionaries over to dinner but she lived in an apartment so Heather  volunteered. She had some house company, a friend and her 3 children so with all of us it was pretty busy. Niko came too along with the Stevens, Nelsons, Elders Whitlock and Toolson. Todd, Heather's husband, cooked a pork roast which was very very good. We all brought sides. It was a crazy nite, heavy rain , dog roaming thru the house and busy children. I had a great time visiting with Todd and getting to know him. He is a master craftsman making wall designs out of metal. They are beautiful. He is a welder so he knows how to heat and color metal. Maybe I'll buy one before I leave.

Heather Dorociak-Lehman

Sheila and Todd cooking. 
The Stevens, Betty and the Nelsons - Todd in the background

All the kids company with Stevens, Betty, Elder Toolson and Elder Nelson

 My table with the kids, Todd and Heather and Niko at the end
Heather, Todd and their youngest

 Betty, Heather's daughter, Sheila and elder Nelson
Elder Whitlock, Elder Toolson and the Stevens