Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dinner with the Piper Family

Some time ago we had this Relief Society meeting in the evening and everyone had to fill out a card with their name on it and some information. Then we traded cards and we were suppose to do a service for the sister we got. My sister was visiting her sister and I made her bread, whole wheat which is what she requested. Sister Piper got me and invited me to dinner. However I had a slight cold and she was 8 months pregnant so I asked if we could cancel. She let it go for then but after the baby came and a few months later she invited me over to have dinner with her family, the Elders and one of our new and absolutely outstanding sisters, Sheila Brown and her son. We had a GREAT dinner with all kinds of food I love and great conversation. I found out that Sheila drives truck for a FEDEX contractor and her son is a HVAC tech for Pappa's restaurants. It was a really great evening. They have an amazing home and a great family. Brother Piper took the picture. Sadly, our ward was reorganized last Sunday because a new ward needed to be made cause ours was so big after only 2 years. Brother Piper was called to be a counselor in the Bishopric in the new ward so we lost them.

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