Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Post Mission post - Christ of greatest defender of freedom

I never did finish my last posts for my mission but enough said. But I had this wonderful revelation in the temple today. It was Memorial Day (the official one) yesterday and I was thinking about all the great men and women that gave their lives in defense of freedom. The Spirit then reminded me that there was one greater who defended our freedoms, Jesus Christ. Like the great and ultimate sacrifices of our troops thru several wars for our country and thru out history, our Savior fought for our freedoms in the very first war in Heaven and continues to fight for us today. To guarantee our freedom from death and grace us with eternal life He fought to the death for our agency, redemption and freedom. We don't think of Christ in those terms usually but in actuality he died for us just like our soldiers. For so many years I have been trying to justify and equate my sins with his suffering and death. Now I understand His death meant that I would have freedom and the blessings of His kingdom. He died to make men free including me.