Friday, August 14, 2015

I Love Clouds!

One thing we have plenty of here in Houston is clouds. They come in all shapes and sizes, colors and heights. These are only a few. I can't describe how amazing they are to look at. And when the sun shines thru it's a wonderful feeling the the Lord is watching over us.

At the office

At the apartment - crazy thunderstorms!!!

Odds and ends

These are just some random pictures I took over the course of a few weeks.

 Amber gave me this going away picture board to remind me of my family. I have added to it and I enjoy looking at it every morning and nite when I say my prayers and just to enjoy.

I wish the pictures could capture the magnitude of this rain. It never just rains, it pours!! Also, lots of thunder and lightening continually.

Could not resist an evening out to stop at Toni's favorite children's clothing store. 

 My boss loves the strangest thins. Just him being him as usual. He is easily amused.