Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What I enjoy doing... making bread

This has become my new favorite past time. I ordered some sour dough starter and I have been making lots of bread. French bread. Chahala bread, whoel wheat bread. the Starter makes the bread so nice. Not crumbly at all. Enjoying my new skill.

I'm a changing

I was born with straight hair. All my life I have had straight hair. Not anymore. Texas has curled my hair so I just don't know what to do with it. Went to get my hair cut and the stylist said, "You have curly hair." I said no I don't but now, yes I do. All my life I wanted curly hair. Careful what you wish for.

Goin home for Sister Bray

She's done. Out a here. On her way. You get the point. Sister Bray finished her mission here at the center and is returning back to Payson, Utah. Her daughter and granddaughter flew down here to drive back with here. A week of site seeing to Galveston, San Antonio and a few other stops. Then the drive home should get her back the week the Payson Temple Open House starts. She will be so happy to be home. Already has her temple assignment and her Family History center work days. She will be busy and happy. Really loved getting to know Lisa. she is a doll!
 Barbara & Lisa Barker and Sister Bray

 Me and Lisa. Last good-bye.


Did I mention it rains here, lots and lots, and lots. My friend at church Kristin Long said it would rain just about everyday between 2:00pm and 6:00pm in the summer. Well, so far she is right. It has rained just about everyday so far for the last 2 weeks. And it isn't light rain, or in other words their drizzle. It's thunder, lightening and downpours. For the life of me I don't know where it all goes. Mornings are warm and a little humid. then it starts to cool off and here come the thunderstorms. It's so fascinating. Me and Chris like to just stand outside and watch it. Kills the boredom since things are slow at the office. California, read em and weep!

                                                              Downspouts ye overflow                                 

 Getting ready for the big ones at the temple
I was at the temple one morning in a session and the thunder started right overhead. It was so loud. Everyone in the room looked heavenward. Next will come the bog black clouds which make it so dark outside you have to drive with your headlights on.